EV Charger Installation

If you have bought, or intend to buy a new or second hand electric vehicle, either a battery (BEV) or plugin hybrid (PHEV), you will most likely need a home EV charging station. At Patrick Lynch Electrical we pride ourselves on providing only the highest quality chargers and expertly installing them. We have chargers that are suitable for charging any EV vehicle, with Wi-Fi monitoring and fast charging or eco charging options.

Our EV chargers have advanced management systems which can also work closely with your installed solar panel systems, to reduce or even stop charging during high volume periods and begin again once the draw from the grid reduces.

All of our clients will receive our expert advice on the type of charger that best suits them, their electric vehicle and their home. We are here to answer your questions, to reduce the stress that often comes with dealing with a new technology and provide you with the EV charging system that best suits your purposes.

Zappi Eco EV Charging Station for Galway Residences
Galway electrician_05

SEAI Home EV Charger Grant

€600 Grant Available

Garo Domestic EV Charger Install Galway


Patrick Lynch Electrical and Patrick Lynch Renewables are a registered contractor with the SEAI and we serve customers throughout Galway City and County Galway.

We also carry out commercial and municipal EV charging station installations. Contact us today to learn more.

EVBox Elvi Home Charging Station Galway

SEAI grants are available to cover up to €600 of the costs involved in purchasing an EV charger and getting it expertly installed. The grant is designed to promote greater electric vehicle use and to help alleviate the upfront costs of buying and installing your new EV home charging station.

In order to be eligible for the grant you must be a private owner that bought a new or second hand electric vehicle (battery or plugin hybrid) since 2018. The car itself can be older than 2018, you just have to have purchased it since then. Please visit https://www.seai.ie/grants/electric-vehicle-grants/electric-vehicle-home-charger-grant/ for a full list of eligibility criteria and to begin your grant application.

15 + 8 =


Baile Lar
Co. Galway


087 960 0671

